What is DPC?

Dr. Wendy Schilling working with patient in doctor office.

Personalized & Preventive Care

Since I have fewer patients under this Direct Primary Care model, I spend more time with you! You get to ask questions, you understand your body and more importantly, together we work on keeping you healthy.

And, with regular, more frequent visits now affordable, potential health problems are detected early. I provide counseling on cigarette, drug, and alcohol cessation, as well as on other behaviors or conditions that might be adversely affecting your health; welcome to the new world of proactive and preventive medicine.

Direct Primary Care (DPC): A Health Care Revolution from Day's Edge Productions on Vimeo.

How Dr. Schilling Cares For You

A patient came in with one condition but then mentioned bladder infection symptoms. I did a urine dip in the office, diagnosed the infection, gave her antibiotics for $0.49, and she took the first pill before she even left the clinic.